Updated 11.12.2024
Kaj Lindedahl


Kaj Lindedahl

Senior Lecturer

Master of Engineering (Chem.)

Energy and Environmental Engineering Team

Valvira certified water works educator. Lean and 5S- project. Project management KAOSPILOT 2018. Data Mining WEKA 2019. Circular economy and sustainable development 2024

Responsibilities and tasks

Project Manager Urban et Local and Circular Hood Food project. Project Manager Urban Farm Lab Infra extension. Project Manager Eco-Viikki Energy and water consumption monitoring and evaluation project.

Project Manager; Pathway program- In Vietnan


NoSoSo- Kenya-Uganda- ( Tanzania )

Fanhees2 +3 - South-Africa, Botswana, Namibia

Cireco- Nordplus-program with an Intensive week of circular economy education in Baltic countries.

KEMUT-Energy and water consumption in the residential area of Eco-Viikki- a project for the City of Helsinki.

Finnish Education Center- Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam.

Circular HoodFood-project manager

Degrees, certifications and courses

Water works card educator

Language skills

Swedish: Excellent Finnish: Excellent English: Excellent German: Advanced Indonesian: Intermediate


How change in sustainability is implemented in the city?- Example from the Eko-Viikki cityquaters of Helsinki.





International cooperations, environmental consiousness, Sports, Outdoor, Multi-cultural