Updated 08.12.2023
Leena Hannula


Leena Hannula

Part-time lecturer

Health Promotion Team

I am PhD, midwife, RN.

Contact us

Postal address:

PL 4000, 00079 Metropolia


Infant colic and reflexology massage - a pilot study. Lapsi ja Luonto Säätiö/ Child and Nature Foundation. 2017-2019.

Breastfeeding, parenting and stress. A Collaborative project with Stirling University.

Nurse Educator Simulated learning 2013-2015.(EU Lifelong Learning)

Urban Parenthood 2006-2011.

(Health promotion Funding In Finland)


Language skills

Finnish: Native English: Excellent Swedish: Advanced


Selected publications:

Hannula, L., Puukka, P., Asunmaa, M., Mäkijärvi, M. (2019) A pilot study of parents’ experiences of reflexology treatment for infants with colic in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. doi: 10.1111/scs.12790 https://rdcu.be/bXh4S

Hakala M, Kaakinen, P, Kääriäinen M, Bloigu R, Hannula L, Elo S. Implemantation of step seven of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in Finland - the rooming-in experiences of mothers, midwives and nurses. European Journal…


Baby Friendly Neo -Expert group.


Amning Utan Stress (Folkhälsan)

Infant feeding attitudes research collaboration with  Stirlingin University.

SCENE group


The Finnish Association for Sexology.

Trainers for Breastfeeding Counsellors in Finland.




Member of the Board of the Network of Trainers for Breastfeeding Counsellors in Finland.

The 1st and 2nd Baby Friendly Neonatal Conference and Workshop, Upsala, Sweden, 2011 and 2015 organizing committee member.

2006-2012. Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare. The National follow-up group for breastfeeding promotion.

2006 - 2007 Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. A National working group for the Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health.


I am interested in international research and development work in collaborative networks in the areas of maternal and baby health and breastfeeding promotion. I have participated in a wide variety of published international research projects. In addition, I have helped organize seminars and conferences in maternal and baby health promotion in Finland and abroad.