Updated 19.02.2024
Sari Nyman


Sari Nyman

Senior Lecturer

Master of Nursing Sciences

Public Health Nurse

Health Promotion Team

Public Health Nursing: Head of Public Health Nursing education. Health promotion, Breasfeeding counselling, Vaccination competence, Early interaction support

Contact us

Postal address:

PL 4000, 00079 Metropolia


Eduvac, Educating vaccination competence -project in collaboration with five European countries.

Degrees, certifications and courses

Educator of Breastfeeding counselling

Specialist in Sexological Counselling

Support of early inyteraction

VIG (Video Interaction guidance) basic education

EPE (Empowering patient education)

Language skills

Finnish: Native English: Advanced Swedish: Intermediate


-Health promotion of families, Breastfeeding counselling, Guidance/ support in early interaction (Vavu- , Kiikku - methods), Vaccination competence

-Development of Public Helath nursing education

-Vaccination competence

-Breastfeeding counselling

-Health promotion and methods of health promotion 

-Patient /client counselling /education: for example Empowering Patient Education (EPE)

-Sexual and reproductive health (Sexual counsellor)

-Public Health Nursing in Nordic countr…