Raatikainen, E., Savolainen, T., Järvensivu, A., Isacsson, A., Simola-Alha, N. and Heinilä, H. (2023), "Trust at work – described by young professionals in the early stages of their careers", Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/HESWBL-04-2022-0093
Raatikainen E, Rantala-Nenonen K. (2022), Pedagogical framework. In: Carrió M, Rosa N, coordinators. Learning strategies t…
Raatikainen, E., Savolainen, T., Järvensivu, A., Isacsson, A., Simola-Alha, N. and Heinilä, H. (2023), "Trust at work – described by young professionals in the early stages of their careers", Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/HESWBL-04-2022-0093
Raatikainen E, Rantala-Nenonen K. (2022), Pedagogical framework. In: Carrió M, Rosa N, coordinators. Learning strategies to promote transversal skills on health and social care studies: a methodological guide. Barcelona: ITSHEC; 2022. p. 7-20. https://hdl.handle.net/10230/54598
Raatikainen E, Rantala-Nenonen K. (2022), Cooperative learning strategies for developing transversal skills. In: Carrió M, Rosa N, coordinators. Learning strategies to promote transversal skills on health and social care studies: a methodological guide. Barcelona: ITSHEC; 2022. p. 61-69.https://hdl.handle.net/10230/54676
Raatikainen E., Rauhala, LA. & Mäenpää, S. (2021), An educational intervention focused on teaching Qualified Empathy to social work students in Finland. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JARHE-11-2020-0404/full/html
Ekström, M.C., Raatikainen, E. and Isacsson, A. (2020), "Between despair and joy – emotions in learning", Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. Ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-08-2019-0215
Isacsson A., Heinilä H., Raatikainen E., Simola-Alha N. & Järvensivu A. (2020), Millenials experiences of meaningful and engaging work – a study conducted at Finnish ICT and Social- and Health Care organizations. Teoksessa Morreno–Herrera L., Marianne T. & Gougoulakis P. (toim.) Teaching, learning and teacher education. Emerging Issues on Vocational Education and Training, vol. 5, ss. 167–181. VET : Stockholm.
Raatikainen, Eija (2019), Learning through Service and Volunteerism: The pedagogical Model in Higher Education in Finland in Degree Programme in Social Services. IJRDO- Journal of Educational Research, 4(6), 17-31. https://doi.org/10.53555/er.v4i6.2961
Raatikainen, E., Rauhala, L.-A. & Mäenpää, S. (2017), Qualified Empathy - a key element for an empowerment professional. Teoksessa Hämäläinen, J. (toim.) Sosiaalipedagoginen aikakauskirja, vuosikirja 2017, vol. 18. 95–104.
Raatikainen, E. & Ahokas, A. (2016), Building a European Professional Identity - Experiences from the Intensive Program. Volume nine of the book series, Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Patrick Blessinger, series editor.
Raatikainen, E. & Rantala-Nenonen, K. (2022), Trust as a transversal skill. https://blogit.metropolia.fi/tikissa/2022/03/31/trust-as-a-transversal-skill/
Eija Raatikainen, E., Rantala-Nenonen, K., Eloranta, N., Häärä, T., Pihlajaniemi T., Pridham, M & Raatikainen, M. (2022), Peer learning and cooperative learning support students’ transversal skills development in interprofessional and multicultural context
Raatikainen E., Rauhala L.A & Mäenpää, S. (2021), Qualified Empathy: “from understanding to action”. https://blogit.metropolia.fi/uudistuva-sosiaalialan-osaaminen/2021/04/26/qualified-empathy-from-understanding-to-action/
Raatikainen, E., Rauhala, L.A. & Mäenpää, S. (2020), Empathy Is it too often taken for granted? https://blogit.metropolia.fi/uudistuva-sosiaalialan-osaaminen/2020/02/26/empathy-is-it-too-often-taken-for-granted/
Rauhala , L.A., Mäenpää, S. & Raatikainen, E. (2018), Qualified Empathy - the new superpower! Can using aesthetic methods help you flourish? Hiiltä ja timanttia : opittajat pedagogiikan rajapinnoilla, Metropolia ammattikorkeakoulu