Updated 08.03.2024
Aino Holma


Aino Holma


My education is Master of Arts in University of Tampere, main subject Ethnomusicology, other subjects Journalism and Education.

Music 1 and Administrative Staff Team

I work in the administration of Masters and Bachelor Degree of Music, with PR and communication, conferences, projects, concerts and visits to Metropolia UAS Music Dept. etc.

Contact us

Postal address:

PL 4042, 00079 Metropolia


Dig.Music 3.0, administration (project ended 10/2023)

Kohtaamisia musiikin maailmassa (In English: Encounters in the World of Music) The project is about enhancing pedagogical and interactive skills of musicians in audience work. Project manager (project ends 12/2024)


I am interested in a wide range of music from classical to jazz, from folk music to pop and, for example, from electronic music to sound art. My main instrument is violin and I sing in a chamber choir.