Updated 22.02.2024

Suvi Kiviniemi


MBA in strategy, coming 2024

B.A.Sc. in IT / product development 2015

B.A.Sc in business communications and marketing 2010

Turbiini (en_EN)

Game incubation program & mentoring network: Living Game Intelligence Network, LGIN. A part of the Turbiini crew. Jack of all trades with a background in game entrepreneurship.
Suvi Kiviniemi

Language skills

Finnish: Native English: Excellent


Funding Flowchart for game startups in Finland (link)

Guideline for Set-Up and Maintenance of a Mentoring System for Game Business Incubation (link)

White Paper on Competence Building for Game Investors (link)

Designing a Workshop for Game Investors (link)

White Paper on Competence Building for Mentors (link)

Designing a workshop for Game Industry Mentors (link)


Wide networks in the game industry (LinkedIn)


My mission is to support and strengthen the communities of the game industry, locally and globally - with a large side of sustainability and inclusion.