Updated 03.12.2024
Kaija Haapasalo


Kaija Haapasalo

Senior Lecturer


Bachelor of Arts (English philology)

Head of Master degree programmes Procurement and Public Procurement

Responsibilities and tasks

Head of Master degree programmes Procurement and Public Procurement

Senior Lecturer, Coordinator of Turbiini Metropolia Pre-incubator activities in Myyrmäki campus


Project Manager Last Mile -project

1.9.2017 -31.03.2020

Degrees, certifications and courses

Teacher Qualification and Vocational Career Counselor Qualification (HAAGA-HELIA UAS, School of Vocational Teacher Education, Helsinki, Finland)

PMAF Project Management Foundation Certificate by PMAF/Projektiyhdistys


Language skills

Finnish: Native Swedish: Excellent English: Excellent German: Excellent Russian: Advanced


Traficom Publications 17/2017 International reporting mechanisms of transport markets

Haapasalo K. (Ed)., (2020). Perille asti, In: Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja. TAITO-sarja., Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-328-203-2:


Finnish Purchasing and Logistics Association


Finnish Purchasing and Logistics Association, Commitee for awards


Developing international cooperation networks and degrees in Higher Education especially in the fields of Procurement, Supply Chain Management and Entrepreneurship, Research and Project Management. 

Development of pedagogics both online and in classroom. Supporting students entrepreneurial skills in pre-incubator environment.