Updated 15.12.2020
Ulla Paatola


Ulla Paatola

Senior Lecturer

Master of Arts (English Philology, General Linguistics, Communication Studies, Semiotics)

School of ICT

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PIC (Pragmatics, Ideology, and Contacts)

MIN (Moderne Importord si språka i Norden)


Paatola, Ulla & Anne Perälampi (2016) Experiences of Teaching English in Collaboration. The Conference Proceedings of the 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 5197-5202. 7-9th March. Valencia, Spain.

Paatola, Ulla (2009) Book review: Leppänen, Sirpa, Tarja Nikula & Leila Kääntä (eds.). 2008. Kolmas kotimainen: Lähikuvia englannin käytöstä Suomessa. SKY Journal of Linguistics 22, 301-307.

Paatola, Ulla (2008) English Invades Finnish and Swedish Comp…


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