Updated 05.04.2024
Riitta Konkola


Riitta Konkola

President, CEO

Licentiate of Education with major in adult education

Teacher Education (35 sw)

Specialised Occupational Therapist for Pediatric Occupational Therapy

President's Office

Responsibilities and tasks

President, The Recotr´s Conference of Finnish Universitities of Applied Sciences, Arene, 2024-2025

Member of executive team, Vision for higher education adn research in Finland, 2030, Ministry of Eduction and Culture

Member of the Helsinki Metropolia Politics Advisory Council        2015 – 2019, Ministry of the Environment  

Audit of the social- and healthcare higher education in Finland. Chairman of the audit group 2020-2021 (KARVI, Ministry of Education a…

Degrees, certifications and courses

President certification

Language skills

Finnish: Native Swedish: Advanced English: Advanced German: Intermediate