Tieteelliset artikkelit (Google Scholar)
Rannikko, J., Adhikari, H., Karme, A., Žliobaite, I. & Fortelius, M. 2020. The case of the grazing suids in the Plio-Pleistocene Turkana Basin: 3D dental surface morphology analyses in relation to diet on modern and fossil suid teeth. Journal of Morphology, 281(3), 348-364.
Žliobaité, I., Tang, H., Saarinen, J., Fortelius, F., Rinne, J. & Rannikko, J. 2018. Dental ecometrics of tropical Africa: Linking vegetation types and communities of large …
Tieteelliset artikkelit (Google Scholar)
Rannikko, J., Adhikari, H., Karme, A., Žliobaite, I. & Fortelius, M. 2020. The case of the grazing suids in the Plio-Pleistocene Turkana Basin: 3D dental surface morphology analyses in relation to diet on modern and fossil suid teeth. Journal of Morphology, 281(3), 348-364.
Žliobaité, I., Tang, H., Saarinen, J., Fortelius, F., Rinne, J. & Rannikko, J. 2018. Dental ecometrics of tropical Africa: Linking vegetation types and communities of large plant-eating mammals. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 19, 127–147.
Rannikko, J., Žliobaité, I. & Fortelius, M. 2017. Relative abundances and palaeoecology of four suid genera in the Turkana Basin, Kenya, during the late Miocene to Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Suhonen, J., Rannikko, J. & Sorvari, J. 2016. Species richness of cuckoo bumblebees is determined by the geographical range area of the host bumblebee. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 9, 6, 529–535.
Karme*, A. J., Rannikko*, J. C., Kallonen, A. P., Clauss, M. & Fortelius, H. L. M. 2016. Mechanical modelling of tooth wear. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 13, 120.
Fortelius, H. L. M., Žliobaité, I., Kaya, F., Bibi, F., Bobe, R., Leakey, L., Leakey, M., Patterson, D., Rannikko, J. C. & Werdelin, L. 2016. An ecometric analysis of the fossil mammal record of the Turkana Basin. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences. 371, 1698–1710.
Suhonen, J., Rannikko, J. & Sorvari, J. 2015. The rarity of host species affects the co-extinction risk in socially parasitic bumblebee Bombus (Psithyrus) species. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 52, 4, s. 236–242.
Väitöskirja (2019): Adaptations of the Turkana Basin pigs (Suidae) to changing environments in the Plio-Pleistocene: Tooth wear, diets and habitats
Pro gradu (2015): Kokeellinen hampaiden kulumistutkimus : Eri ruokavalioista aiheutuva kiilteen mikrokuluminen
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